Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 3

Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 3

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Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 3 More Details

The lateral movements in Part 3 advance the horse's straightness by asking him for the greatest degree of hind leg joint flexibility and hindquarter mobility. The horse remains bent through his body as he moves forward and sideways through these maneuvers. This adds up to more engagement of his hindquarters, developing his ability to carry himself in a naturally collected frame. In this DVD you will sharpen your horse's responsiveness to communication from your seat, leg and hand aids as you progress through these exercises to collection.

- Haunches In: Also called "travers" improves hindquarter mobility and suppleness by strengthing and loosening the muscles and ligaments of the hind legs. A must for improving the rider's outside leg aid control.

- Haunches Out: Also called "renvers," adds suppleness and strengthens the hindquarter muscles for collection. Provides the same benefits as haunches in and adds variety to lateral work.

- Half Pass: Increases the horse's ability to engage his hindquarters for collection. This is one of the advanced lateral movements. To achieve it the horse must round his spine and be in a collected frame.

Lateral work is more than teaching the horse to "go sideways." Lateral maneuvers are physical and mental gymnastics for both horse and rider … and they are fun, too! Each lateral maneuver progrssivly builds the strength, suppleness and balance the horse needs to "engage" his hindquarters. Lateral work fine-tunes the rider's coordination of seat, leg and hand aids. The goal of lateral work is to improve the horse's straightness and his ability to naturally collect in response to the rider's lightest aids. Forget the gimmicks and shortcuts... no matter what discipline you ride, the classic training techniques offered in Dressage Principles Volume II, Lateral Training for Collection will provide you the key to progressing to higher levels of responsiveness, collection and self-carriage in your horse.

- This is my favorite work! -LSP

LYNN RECOMMENDS: This series is the successor to Dressage Principles Volume I. Each lateral movement in this series is demonstrated in both the English and Western saddle and is absolutely necessary to build the horse’s correct balance for collection. Part 1 teaches proper responses to the leg and rein aids while moving laterally. Parts 2 and 3 will build upon Part 1 with increased difficulty and lateral movement. Each part also demonstrates troubleshooting for common problems of horse and rider. This series is not for the beginner, but for the rider seeking lighter responses and advanced collection.

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