Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 2

Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 2

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Dressage Principles Volume II - Part 2 More Details

Take the Next Step in the progression of lateral training with new movements to build the balance your horse needs for advanced straightness and collection. The exercises in this DVD add more difficulty because they ask the horse to move forward and sideways, now with a bend in his body. This important stage of lateral training builds the horse's strength and flexibility to bend his hind leg joints and increase suppleness in his shoulders and hindquarters. The lateral movements featured in this video are:

- Shoulder Fore: the first step in teaching lateral movements requiring a bend to the horse's body. It helps straighten the horse and increase the carrying power of his inside hind leg.

- Shoulder In: to strengthen the horse's hindquarters and joint flexibility, supple his shoulder muscles and encourage him to round his spine or "collect."

- Turn On The Haunches: for engaging and flexing the hind leg joints and regulating movement of the legs, as the rider learns how to independently control the forehand and hind quarters.

Lateral work is more than teaching the horse to "go sideways." Lateral movements are physical and mental gymnastics for both horse and rider … and they are fun too! Each lateral movement progressively builds the strength, suppleness, and balance the horse needs to "engage" his hindquarters. Lateral work will improve the horse's straightness and his ability to naturally collect in response to the rider's lightest aids. Forget the gimmicks and shortcuts … the classic training techniques offered in Dressage Principles Volume II, Building Balance with Lateral Work will provide you with the key to progressing to higher levels of responsiveness, collection and self-carriage in your horse.

--This is you next step to lightness and harmony! -LSP

Time: 90 minutes

LYNN RECOMMENDS: This series is the successor to Dressage Principles Volume I. Each lateral movement in this series is demonstrated in both the English and Western saddle and is absolutely necessary to build the horse’s correct balance for collection. Part 1 teaches proper responses to the leg and rein aids while moving laterally. Parts 2 and 3 will build upon Part 1 with increased difficulty and lateral movement. Each part also demonstrates troubleshooting for common problems of horse and rider. This series is not for the beginner, but for the rider seeking lighter responses and advanced collection.

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